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Who Attended In the 2023 Reunion

Art and Ellen Ferris

Nancy Benninger Place

Jan Bishop Brockman and Paul

Chris Button Strumski

Sandy Carter Jayne

Wayne France

Jerry Walker

Cindy Gary Wooden and Sherman


Eddie Jennings and Vida

Sylvia Jennings Squier

Sandy Schuler Gardner and Roger

Barb Teel Fuhrey

Kathy Thompson Preston

Sheila Repsher & Guest

Ruth Wilbur Clearwater and George

group picture


Who Attended In the 2018 Reunion

Art Ferris

Barb Teel and husband Bill

Bonnie Underwood Laird

Carol Overfield Bridgman

Chris Button Strumski

Cindy Gary Wooden

Danny Lee and Wife Carol

Dave Kipar

David Gould and wife Mary

Eddie Jennings and wife Vida

Ginny Hohn Cook

Harold Hollister and wife Dorothy

James Malone and wife Sue

Jan and Paul Brockman


Kathy Thompson Preston

Martha Taylor Fields

Nancy Benninger Place

Norm Wood and wife Sharon

Roger Swetland and wife Priscilla

Ron Cook

Ruth Wilbur Clearwater and Husband George

Sandy Carter Jayne

Sandy Schuler Gardner and husband Roger

Shelia Hitchcock and Marty Petrocco

Sylvia Jennings Squier

Tom Richie and wife Connie

Ward Decker and wife Linda

Wayne France and LaDonna Earl


Who Attended In the 2013 Reunion

Art Ferris

Barb Teel Fuhrey & Bill Fuhrey

Bonnie Underwood Laird & George Laird

Carol Overfield Bridgman

Chris Button Strumski & Dave Strumski

Cindy Gary Wooden

Danny Lee & Carol Lee

David Kipar

David Space & Linda Space

Diana Saravitz Farr

Ed Jennings & Vida Jennings

Ginny Hohn Cook

Harold Hollister & Dorothy Hollister


James Bartel & Sandra Bartel

Jan Bishop Brockman & Paul Brockman

Jerry Walker & Donna Walker

Kathy ThompsonPreston

Nancy Benninger Place

Richard Bennett & Sandra Bennett

Roger Swetland & Pricilla Swetland

Ronnie Cook

Sandra Carter Jayne

Sandy Schuler Gardner

Shelia Hitchcock Repsher

Tom Richie & Connie Richie

Wayne France & LaDonna Earl