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Online RSVP For 60th Class Reunion
On Saturday August 12th 2023

** Required Form Field
** Name(s):      
** How Many Will Be Attending:      
** Email Address:      
Home Phone: Cell Phone:  
** Are you planning to attend the next Reunion?: Yes    No  


Who's coming so far as of 4/18/23

21 Attending Reunion With Spouses

Nancy Benninger Place
Jan Bishop Brockman and Paul
Chris Button Strumski
Sandy Carter Jayne
Wayne France
Cindy Gary Wooden and Sherman
Harold Hollister and Dorothy
Eddie Jennings and Vida
Sylvia Jennings Squier
Danny Lee and Carol
Sandy Schuler Gardner and Roger
Barb Teel Fuhrey
Kathy Thompson Preston
Ruth Wilbur Clearwater and George