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Dinner Get-Together 9/2/15 Photos

Jan & Wayne decided to have a dinner get-together on 9/2/15 at the Fireplace Restaurant. They sent out several emails just a few days before the dinner and surprisingly got a great response of 19 people. All had a great time. See photos below.

Click on any photo to enlarge!

Who Attended:
Jan Bishop Brockman and husband Paul, Chris Button Strumski, Wayne France, Ginny Hohn Cook, Cindy Gary Wooden, Pauline Hunsinger, Ruth Wilbur Clearwater, Dave Kipar, Bonnie Underwood Laird and husband George, Roger Oakley and wife Priscilla, Sandy Schuler Gardner and husband Roger, Tom Richie, Barb Teel Fuhrey and husband Bill, Norm Wood and wife Sherry


Thanks Jan for sending us the excellent photos!