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Welcome Class of 1963 to Year 2024 - Just 61 Years Since Graduation

Take A Trip Down Memory Lane of Old Yearbook Photos - Click Here

  • This website is dedicated to the entire class of 1963 at Elk Lake, Pennsylvania. 80 classmates to be exact.
  • The site contains information and general things that have taken place in their lives.
  • As time marches on we will try to keep the website up to date including photos, reunions, news and general topics.
  • If you have any news to share, please do so using our comments form so we can share with all.

Since we graduated in 1963 Elk Lake Jointure has grown beyond belief. Several new buildings plus so many new sport facilities.

Lastest Aerial Photo From Google

New Item - A complete memorial list of classmates since 1953 - updated 12/20/23 - Click Here For PDF File or Printable Page


If anyone has some news to share on our site, by all means use our contact page and we will get it posted promptly.

Animations Used On This Site - Clipart - Animated Gifs

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